Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
QA Training
July Ist
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Aug Ist
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Sep Ist
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Light Package
For Advanced
Full Package
For Beginners
Courses Include
30 Hours of Session
10 Hours of Lab
Flexible Schedule
One-on-One Doubt Session
Real Time Project Use
Certificate Oriented Curriculum
QA Training Content
Below, you will find comprehensive details of the QA Training course, covering all the essential aspects you will be exposed to throughout the program.
Quality Assurance Course
RisingStar Tech’s Quality Assurance Course covers both manual and automation software testing methods, including fundamentals and Selenium. Gain practical experience in test planning, case design, execution, and defect management, enhancing your skills for a successful career in software testing.
Manual Testing Fundamentals
- What is Manual Testing?
- Fundamentals of Manual Testing
- Limitations of Manual Testing
- What is Automation Testing?
- When to go for Automation
- Different Automation Tools (Vendor & Open source tools)
- Advantages of Automation
- Criteria for Automation
- Difference between Manual Testing & Automation Testing process
Introduction of Selenium
- What is the Selenium tool?
- History of Selenium
- Features of Selenium tool
- Selenium suite of tools
- Advantages of Selenium tool in automation
- Differences between Selenium and other Tools
Selenium Components
- Selenium IDE
- Selenium Web Driver 3
- Selenium Grid
Configuration of Selenium IDE & Dev.Scripts
- Recording the scripts in IDE
- Understanding of the objects identification (id,name)
- Difference between Test case and test suit
- Language supported while recording
- Syncronization in selenium IDE(Wait commands)
- Whwn to use Selenium IDE
- How to put validations 9assert,verify)
- How to read text/values from webpage (store commands)
- How to handle mouse ,keyboard events
- Limitations of IDE
- We can Run the Recording scripts against other browsers by using selenium Web driver
- Writing java program and running
Configuring Eclipse IDE for java Selenium
- How to create new java project
- How to create a new java class
- Running java class
- Viewing the results of java program
Conditional Statements
- If condition
- If else condition
- If else if condition (nested if)
- Switch case statement
- Examples for all the above conditions
Learning java
- Introduction to java programming
- Data Types in java
- Primitive Data types
- Wrapper Classes
- Declaring Variables
Loop Statements
- What are exceptions ,errors
- How to handle exceptions in the program
- Using try and catch blocks
- Types of Exceptions
- Using of throws
- Throw
- Throwable
Object Oriented programming Class
- What is class
- What are fields and method
- How to create object for the class
- How to acess fields and methods in the class
- Constructors
- What is abstract,final class
- Variable Types (instance ,local,static)
- What is polymorphism
- Methods overloading
- Constructor overloading
- Passing arguments to methods
- Calling methods in the class
- Return values from method
- Return objects from method
- Method arguments callbt value, call by reference
- Why to do inheritance
- How to reuse the fields and methods of parant class
- Overriding fields and methods of parent class
- Single in heritance
- Multi level in heritance
- Using super keyword
- Composition/ Aggregation
- Difference between inheritance and composition
- What is interface
- Difference between class and interface
- When to use interface
- Abstract class
Encapsulation and abstraction
- What is hiding data
- Using access specifires public ,private, protected default
- Accessing the public methods outside the class
- Difference in accessing in same package / different package
- What is package
- How to create a package
- How to import package into different class
- Use of collections
- Advantage of collection using array
- How to add ,remove,and insert value /elements into collections
- Using the collections like List,Set,Array list, Hash Table
- Working with table elements
- Reading Data from Table
- Using Actions class
- Handling keyboard,mouse events
Database Connection(JDBC)
- SQL Server
- My SQL
- Oracle
Web Driver
- Introduction to Web Driver
- Comparision of selenium RC &WebDriver
- Configure Eclipse IDE (Adding selenium Libraries)
- Using Firefox Driver Chrome ,IE, safari, Opera,Api
- Browser Commands
- Web Driver Interaction Commands
- Web Driver Supported Locator names:
- Id,Name,linktext,partiallinktext
- Tagname,Xpath,css,classname
- Understanding and writing Xpath, types of Xpaths
- Working with Different Elements and programming
- Editboxes,checkbox,Radiobuttons
- Buttons,Links
- Selecting values from a Dropdown list
- Understanding xpath to locate elements in web page
- Running scripts on different browsers
Data Driven Testing
- What is Data Driven Testing
- How to parameterize the data to the script using excel
- Reading ,Writing data into Excel
- How to parameterize data to the script using Flat files
Debug Scripts in Eclipse
- Understanding Debug
- Using Breakpoints
- Verify the values during debug
- Using step over ,step into
Handling Windows
- How to handle multiple browser
- Handling alerts
- Handling Frames
- Handling windows alerts using (Auto it /sikuli)
Recognizing elements in webpage Using xpath ,DOM, CSS
- Running java scripts in webDriver
- How to recognize duplicate elements
- How to recognize dynamically changing elements
- Using Regular expressions
Configuring other Browserts
- Configure IE browser
- Configure Chrome browser
- Running scripts on different browsers
TestNG Framework
- What is TestNG
- Create TestNG.xml file
- Integrate the selenium scripts and run from TestNG
- Reporting Results & Analyze
- Run Scripts from Multi Browsers
- TestNG Annotations
- Tags in TestNG xml File Groups
- Reporting Results
Page Object Model Framework
- Introduction to page object model
- Advantages of page object model
- Writing scripts Using page Object Model
- Creating Repository class, Using properties file
- Execution of scripts Using page Object Model
- Generating Log files (log4j)
- Installing maven in Local Machine
- Creating Maven project
- Importing Maven project in Eclipse
- Understanding of POM .xml
- Maven Integration with TestNG
- Executing Scripts Using Maven build tool
- Advantages Maven Tool
Automation Life Cycle
- What is Frame work
- Types of Frame work
- Modular Framework
- Data Driven Framework
- Keyword Driven Framework
- Hybrid Framework
- Use of Framework
- How Develop The Framework
- Integration of the Frame work
- How execute the scripts from Frame work
- Introduction to Jenkins
- Installing Jenkins with selenium
- Setting up a continuous integration and a continuous deployment environment
- Creating jobs in jenkins tool
- Scheduling jobs for timely execution
- Integration with selenium scripts and running scripts
- Configure mail notification in jenkins
Practice Test & Interview Questions

Benefits of Learning QA Training in RisingStar Tech, Vancouver
Enrolling in QA training at RisingStar Tech offers several benefits. You will gain comprehensive knowledge of both manual and automation testing methodologies, including practical experience with industry-standard tools like Selenium. The training will equip you with the skills to effectively plan, design, execute tests, and manage defects, making you a valuable asset in the software testing field. Additionally, you’ll receive guidance from experienced instructors and have access to real-world projects, ensuring you’re well-prepared for a successful career in QA.

Web Automation using Selenium

Performance using Jmeter

Mobile Automation using Appium
QA Training In Vancouver
July 1st
Mon-Fri(21 Days)Timing 07:00 AM to 09:00 AM
August 1st
Mon-Fri(21 Days)Timing 07:00 AM to 09:00 AM
September 1st
Mon-Fri(21 Days)Timing 07:00 AM to 09:00 AM